Many of my favorite indie horror games made in Japan have received light novel adaptations or spin-offs, and I’ve been able to collect a few of them during my time living here. For Halloween, I took some pictures of a few illustrations found in these books:
Shiro no Noroi
This book is the standard size of light novels in Japan, and has a typical number of images interspersed with the text. The story from the game is a cute one (well, for a horror story), and I quite like the character designs.
Ao Oni
This light novel is a bit larger in size, but seems a typical length. There are many illustrations, including a few pages of manga acting as a prologue. There appears to be a couple new characters added for the story to work with, and I’ve seen at least one sequel in bookstores released.
This light novel is quite huge. It’s big in size, but more so it’s a very long story. Almost 500 pages! I imagine there’s been a lot added to the story of the game… The illustrations are quite nice though, and I especially love the cover and color inserts. The use of just red, white, and black on the cover is striking, and I quite like the style used for the character showcase in the first color insert.
The Witch’s House
I really love the cover for this one! I believe this is a spin-off of sorts for The Witch’s House, as this novel appears to be the “Diary of Ellen.” The paintings for the cover and color illustrations are very unique and beautiful.
Yume Nikki
Yume Nikki is my favorite game, so I had to get this book as soon as I was able to. The artwork is quite lovely–the color inserts as well as the black and white images leave a strong impression! I wish I was good enough at Japanese to be able to read this… My best hope will be for a good fan translation in the meantime, I suppose. I’ve always been fascinated by Yume Nikki’s haunting dream worlds.
Please scan these novels! I beg you!
Likely much more feasible to purchase the volumes you’d like to have. You can order them online through one of these websites I linked here: http://englishlightnovels.tumblr.com/post/98142487210/where-did-you-get-the-light-novels-for-the-indie-horror
I can not buy, I only have 14 years and my dad would not let me buy. Even more because he distrusts shopping sites. And I probably would never find a translation or even scanned. So please try to scan only the Ao Oni novel, because I really love this game and I wanted to read … It need not translate.(If you do not understand what I’m talking about is because I’m using Google translator, and it does not translate right …) sorry for the trouble I’m causing.
Can you please scan for Misao novel? I beg you. because, i can’t read it in japan language
Sorry Alvira, but I don’t have a scanner. If you search online though, you might find someone who is translating the book.
That’s the link to read the novel from THE WITCH’S HOUSE “the diary of Ellen”,
[…] a few years now, and made sure to pick up these tie-in books while I lived in Japan. You can even go back to Halloween 2014 here on this site to see some pictures I took of the Japanese horror light novels I […]