Alice’s Tale

Alice's Tale
Alice’s Tale

English Title: Alice’s Tale
Japanese Title
: アリスの物語 — “Alice’s Tale”
Author: Tadanori Kurashita
Illustrator: Poyoyon Rock
Translator: Braden Noyes, Mami Suzuki
Genre: Sci-fi, Drama
Original Run: 2014
English Run: 2014
English Publisher: Impress QuickBooks
Volumes in Japanese: 1 (Completed)
Volumes in English: 1 (Completed)
Average Price Per Volume: Google Play $3 – iTunes $3 – BookWalker $3

Synopsis: Officially, I deal in stocks. My partner, a highly advanced A.I. named Alice, and I constantly monitor current events and search through the news to find information that might be lurking beneath the official story. I’ve had my eye on a particular brand for a while now, and we have been following it closely. I thought things were going pretty well, however… One day, as I was leaving my room, I had the strange feeling somebody was watching me. Turning back to look, I saw Alice's hologram still active. Usually, she turns herself off before I even get to the door… But today, she just stood there, staring intently at me.

Volume 1
BookWalker – Google PlayiTunes

Note: English editions of Alice’s Tale are currently available only in digital ebook formats. This story is a “light novella,” so it is shorter than your typical light novel.

Reviews of Alice’s Tale
English Light Novels: Vol 1

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