There were six light novels released by Yen Press this month! Which ones are you going to pick up?
- The Devil is a Part-Timer! volume 2: Amazon -- Barnes and Noble -- Book Depository
- Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? volume 3: Amazon -- Barnes and Noble -- Book Depository
- A Certain Magical Index volume 4: Amazon -- Barnes and Noble -- Book Depository
- Sword Art Online volume 5: Amazon -- Barnes and Noble -- Book Depository
- Black Bullet volume 1: Amazon -- Barnes and Noble -- Book Depository
- Spice and Wolf volume 15: Amazon -- Barnes and Noble -- Book Depository
All of these volumes are available in paperback. Dungeon and Black Bullet also have ebook versions available for Kindle and Nook.
The Devil is a Part-Timer! volume 2 Synopsis:
Do you want fries with your hellfire? Sadao Maou, the Devil King, has finally been promoted to store manager! And who should move in next door to his fortress (actually a tiny studio apartment in a dingy walk-up) but a lovely kimono-wearing lass. But the former devil-crushing hero Emi Yusa is none too pleased with this turn of events, to say nothing of high schooler Chiho Sasaki, who’s still nursing a terrible crush on the Devil King. Meanwhile a Sentucky Fried Chicken has opened up right across the street from Maou’s beloved MgRonald! It’s the first real test of his managerial prowess, and he’s facing a pay cut unless he can top Sentucky’s sales! Between the two new neighbors, the Devil King’s troubles are anything but part-time!
Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? volume 3 Synopsis:
I’ve got my eye on you…Â With the help of his new supporter Lilliluka, novice adventurer Bell Cranell is making progress deeper into the Dungeon. With new equipment and new allies, he thinks things are finally starting to go his way…but he’s dead wrong! Bell’s in a panic, Lilliluka’s being cryptic, and Hestia’s drunk! The trouble never seems to end in this third volume of the hit comedy-fantasy series!
A Certain Magical Index volume 4 Synopsis:
A certain unlikely hero…Â Touma Kamijou has gotten permission to leave Academy City and goes on a beach vacation with his family. But somehow no one is who he remembers–and a certain magical spell is to blame for everything! Touma finds himself swept up in the mysterious Angel Fall spell in the latest volume of the smash-hit light novel series!
Sword Art Online volume 5 Synopsis:
Kirito reenters the world of VRMMOs, this time logging in to Gun Gale Online in order to investigate the Death Gun, an in-game item rumored to be responsible for real-world deaths. He immediately runs into trouble when, after transferring his old avatar into the new game, he discovers that he looks a bit more feminine than he’d anticipated! With the help of Sinon the sniper, he enters the Bullet of Bullets tournament and tries to adapt his old skills to the new gun-based combat of Gun Gale Online. He’ll need every friend he can get and every trick in the book, though, to learn the truth about the Death Gun!
Black Bullet volume 1 Synopsis:
The World Has Already Ended. The future–where a terrible battle against a parasitic virus called “Gastrea” has been fought…and lost. Humanity is cornered and lives in despair. Rentaro and Enju face constant danger in their work as a team of anti-Gastrea specialists known as “civil security officers.” As if the daily fight against oblivion weren’t enough, they’ll soon face a threat that could destroy all of Tokyo…
Spice and Wolf volume 15 Synopsis:
The Myuri mercenary band–a troop named for one of Holo’s old comrades. In order to find them, Lawrence and Holo make for Lesko, a town dominated by the copper-trading Debau Company. Rumors of the Debau Company’s schemes to both open more mines and seize control of the northern lands swirl, along with rumors that they’re concentrating military power in the town in preparation. But when Lawrence and Holo arrive in Lesko, they discover a surprisingly cheerful and peaceful place. What is really happening? Find out as the final act of Holo the Wisewolf and Lawrence the traveling merchant’s long journey draws close to its end!
Also, it appears that Attack on Titan: Harsh Mistress of the City (vol 1) has just barely released, courtesy of Vertical. This was previously listed as a September release, but it’s already available now. I’ll update the site accordingly soon. (Also, it appears this will be two volumes now, with the second volume releasing end of September.)
Black Bullet has an ebook release? This was the first time I heard about the ebook. I hate the fact that it’s so hard to find out ahead of the release whether a digital version is in the offering. I bought the paperback believing no ebook was going to be released. Now I have to decide whether to double dip for the format I prefer.
I’ll see about adding some kind of note on the preorder page for which titles will have ebook versions available. This is something that isn’t always clear, and would be helpful to have (especially for new series).
That info would be very useful. It’s hard track that info down. I’ve been duped at least 3 times before where the ebook info wasn’t available during the preorder stage so I bought the paperback as soon as I saw it. Only to learn later that there was an ebook coming after all.
The one I’m most excited for by far is Spice&Wolf. To me it seems like the best light novel available in English.