At Sakuracon Yen Press announced a new light novel series licensed for English release: Do You Like Your Mom? Her Normal Attack is Two Attacks at Full Power (or Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de ni Kai Kougeki no Okaa-san wa Suki Desuka?) This series is written by Dachima Inaka, illustrated by Pochi Iida, and published by Fujimi Shobo in Japan. So far four volumes have been released.
Synopsis: Masato thought he was part of a random survey, but when he gets involved in a secret government scheme, he winds up trapped in the game world. Even more surprising--his mother’s there, too!
From what I gather this is a lighthearted story set in an RPG video game, but with the twist of the protagonist’s mother being a member of the party (and a very powerful one at that, judging by the descriptive title). I don’t see a release date for this on Yen Press’s Twitter, but Anime News Network says the first volume is releasing this winter–so perhaps December 2018, or a month or two afterward.