emeth: Island of Golems

emeth: Island of Golems
emeth: Island of Golems

English Title: emeth: Island of Golems
Japanese Title: emeth~人形遣いの島~ — “emeth~ ningyotsukai no shima ~”
Author: Souki Tsukishima & Tora Tsukishima
Illustrator: Mura Karuki
Translator: Charis Messier
Genre: Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Steampunk
Original Run: March 2007
English Run: November 2018
Japanese Publisher: Square Enix
English Publisher: Cross Infinite World
Volumes in Japanese: 1 (Complete)
Volumes in English: 1 (Complete)
Average Price Per Volume: Kindle $9 – iBook $9 – Kobo $9

Synopsis: “Creating Life”--such power is blasphemy against God. In emeth's world, the manufacturing of Golems--automatic dolls that move according to human will--has become the norm. This sets the stage for an epic adventure against the backdrop of St. Rollins Archipelago, where the Torah Church presides over all creation and operation of these Golems. Step into the story through the perspective of Cliff, a boy living in the slums of a Torah-controlled island who so fervently wants to become a Golem Tamer that he has begun to illegally build one. His mundane world is suddenly shattered one day when he crosses paths with a mysterious girl. This meeting sets the gears in motion for a thrilling journey involving powerful Golems, corruption, and the very fate of the island itself!

Volume 1
AmazonBookwalkerApple BooksKoboGoogle Play
Released November 5, 2018 — ASIN: B07H5FYNFT

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